Quickly approaching ONE YEAR!
July 22nd, 2011 at 05:12 amI cannot even believe how fast life flies by when your having fun (and by fun I guess I mean working). It will soon be a whole entire year since I began working as a RN in nyc. Since I began I have been working diligently to pay off my debts. To put my financial world into perspective I graduated college last year in MAY (2010) with a grand total of about fifty thousand dollars ($3000 in credit cards, $30,000 school loans, and $17,000 car loan) in debt if I had that now I would probably be sick but at the time it didn't really bother me. Yes I wanted to get rid of it but I knew I had time and I prayed that I would get a job. I was lucky enough to get my job very soon after graduation with an amazing starting salary of around $80,000 I can't even believe how lucky I was. After taxes and setting up my 403B(a ten percent decuction) and union dues my take home pay is around 3500 dollars a month. I live with my boyfriend luckily and only really have to spend a grand total of about 1500 dollars in living expenses not including little things like gas etc. Almost 12 months later I have completely paid off my credit cards and 5 of my 7 school loans (down from thirty to just ten thousand), and have paid off almost ten thousand to my car leaving me with about 7900 dollars left on that loan. In total I have about $18,000 dollars in debt remaining from $50,000 thousand. I have almost 5 thousand in my 403B and almost $10,000 dollars in savings. I am on a mission to eliminate the rest of debt in just eight more months before me and my boyfriend sign onto a new lease in possibly a slightly nicer apartment. Hopefully I can make it any tips or advice would be warmly welcomed!