Home > Priorities what are yours?

Priorities what are yours?

July 22nd, 2011 at 10:56 pm

A comment on my last entry sparked some interest... What does everyone believe is the most important thing to do with their paychecks? I don't know about anyone else but after I started educating myself on finances my paycheck looked extremely measly when I learned everything I was supposed to be doing. Paying debts, saving at least ten percent, adding to a 403b, contributing to an IRA, saving for a house, developing an Emergency fund, and the list goes on... So just curious what financial goals are on the top of your list?

3 Responses to “Priorities what are yours? ”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Yep. Wages have stagnated and yet we are expected to pay for ever more than we were even 30 years ago. I try to put a little bit into every pot, so I feel like I'm making progress.

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    Pay off my house asap!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    My priority is to stick to a budget as much as possible. I keep an 'escrow' type account. My 401k comes out before I get paid. At the beginning of the year, I caluclate out how much I will need for things during the coming year. (Car exp, clothes, birthdays, Christmas, insurance, etc.) and I divide that by the number of paychecks I get. That amount goes into the escrow account and those items become no-brainers. I know how much my fixed bills are and how much the variable bills will be (electricity, etc) and that comes out. Then, allowance and groceries. What is left is savings for the other things. Good luck with your plan! (Having a written plan is a key to success!)

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