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Saving Tips? What do you do?

July 24th, 2011 at 12:57 am

Honestly if you asked most of my coworkers, my boyfriend, my family, or friends. They would tell you I manage my money well... but in all honesty I am looking for improvements. Just a couple days ago I started walking to work because it costs 2-4 dollars to park in the parking garage depending on the day of the week the weekends are cheaper. I do not have direct deposit because I like to deposit my checks one week later than I am paid so that I am always one week ahead of my finances. I am trying to come up with more ways to save money but I am drawing a lot of blanks. I was wondering if many people have tips on how they save throughout the week. I also tried this week to give myself an allowance of 65 dollars that I carried in cash so I would prohibit spending. I am going back to school this Fall and just had to upfront $4050 for that bill and have been planning a trip to Disney which I am still currently $1000 dollars short on. I know people have such creative tips for saving money and I want to know what you do. Please any and all tips are much appreciated.

7 Responses to “Saving Tips? What do you do?”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    A couple of small things I do is save all my coins and all my one dollar bills that I get back as change and deposit them into savings. It adds up a little at a time, but it does add up.

    I like to cook things that can be made into several meals. A roast chicken can be eaten one night and then strip the meat off the bones so the leftovers can be made into enchiladas, quesadillas, or as part of a casserole and then the carcass can be used to make chicken broth which can then be made to make soup or to cook egg noodles in. When I can get 3 or 4 meals out of one base protein item I feel like I am really doing well.

  2. snafu Says:

    A very old saying goes...take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. If you add a small amount of planning, it's amazing how far dollars will stretch. Reading the frugal thread here at SA can give you new ideas. Take lunch to work. Keep water and tetra packs of juice in your handbag/tote for example.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Vary hard to give any ideas since we don't know what you already do. But if I were feeling a strong need to save, personally I would skip the Disney trip. But then maybe that is the very thing that is motivating you to find more ways to save.

    Any possibility you could do without your car completely? Sell it and not need insurance, maintenance, gasoline? Instead give yourself a budget for taxis, car rentals, buses, rideshare?

  4. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    As a young worker on a very low wage I always had a packet of cookies in my locker and some instant coffee as work only had tea or water to drink. We had a drink and candy machines in the lunch room and you could spend $6 to 10 per day if you weren't to careful. It's a lot cheaper to buy cookies & candy/ drinks at the supermarket than use slot machines. It would cost me about $1.20 per week instead of $30 to $50 per week. So look at your work snack food habits more closely as it can save you thousands annually.

  5. baselle Says:

    If you have a routine, always try to run it in the cheapest way possible. For instance, I like my morning regular coffee at the coffeeshop (yes, I know its cheaper to brew it myself). I learned that showing my bus pass saves me twenty cents, and if I bring my own cup saves me another ten.

  6. crazyliblady Says:

    I have been reading a few of your posts and think you are making great strides in your finances. After all, if I understand everything correctly, you walk to work, have $5000 in your bank account, and your credit card has a zero or near-zero balance. You are doing better than I am in that department.

    I will second LuckyRobin's idea about making a roast and making a variety of meals out of it. Great idea. If you don't like roast beef, you could cook a ham, turkey, or chicken and make a variety of meals from those, too.

    I will also second Tightwad Kitty's idea about bringing your own instant coffee (or tea bags if you prefer) and snack foods. I do that myself. I don't think most people realize that the soda, coffee, etc. that they buy may be only $1.00 in itself, but 1 cup added up over one month of workdays is about $20.00 or $240.00 a year. And some buy more than one cup of coffee or soda a day.

    Other simple and relatively easy to implement savigns ideas include:

    1) It sounds simple and a little too obvious, but pack your own lunch and bring it with you. Whether it is a tuna sandwich or leftover roast beef, it will likely be healthier and cheaper than anything you could buy to eat at your work place or nearby restaurant. If your workplace has a fridge and microwave, it expands your options on what you can bring. If not, maybe pack one of those freezer pak things to make sure everything stays cold.

    2) If your grocery store or other store has a loyalty rewards program, join it. You might be able to load coupons or get special discounts. Couponing by cutting coupons out of the paper can take a lot of time and not save a lot of money, though. I only cut coupons for things I actually use or have been really wanting to try and I probably save around $20.00 a month with store sales and coupons. If you have time for couponing and it works for you, go for it and bank the savings.

    3) Pay yourself first. Before you splurge money on new clothes or a meal out on payday, pay yourself first. You may already contribute to a retirement plan at work, but other options include IRA, Roth IRA, etc. Set aside money into savings for emergencies and maybe have separate accounts for vacations, downpayment on a home, car replacement, etc.

  7. Jerry Says:

    Walking to work is a great way to lead to some additional savings. I also find that bringing my lunch (AND snacks AND beverages) to work can provide some reliable insurance for even more money... it is amazing how much that one step can add to the bottom line.
    Good luck!

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