Home > Update 65 dollar challenge

Update 65 dollar challenge

July 26th, 2011 at 11:46 pm

It is finally Tuesday and after forgoing a trip to a local small amusement park that would have cost 50 dollars we decided to go visit my boyfriend's friend at his apartment complex that has a wonderful outside pool. I am less than 5 hours away from making my 65 dollar challenge a success. I currently have four dollars in my little coin purse I bought in Peru a few years ago where I have been keeping my allowance for the week. And that's after I just splurged on an Iced Latte from Dunkin Donuts that I have been putting off getting all week in order to stick within budget. I am very proud of my accomplishment I know it might not seem like much to a lot of people who are so amazing with money on this site but it is a big step for me. I relocated to NYC less than a year ago and with a boyfriend who works most days that I am off and very few friends (as most of my coworkers do not live near my job as I do) I tend to end up at the mall shopping and buying things I don't need to pass the time so I do not end up bored and feeling homesick. I spent my days cleaning the house, prepping dinners, working, walking to work which is 1.9 miles away 2 out of the 3 days I worked this week, and lounging quite a bit. I am thinking next week I might try to get my budget down to 60 dollars and seem if I am able. Well just wanted to update everyone.


3 Responses to “Update 65 dollar challenge”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Congratulations. So what are you going to do with that $4? I'd put it into my emergency fund, but I am still building mine. Are you going to remain at $65 a week or challenge yourself further by trying to get by on $60 this week and still have some left?

  2. tmarti09 Says:

    Thanks it really made me aware of every single dollar i spent. Currently I'm saving for a trip to Disney so I decided that is where those four dollars would go. This week I am going to try to walk to work all three days which will save 12 bucks alone. Tomorrow is a new week however at the end of this week I have my sister bday which is a weekend away I agreed to a while ago. Therefore I don't know if I'll be able to stay within budget. I am going to try my best to not spend any of my 60 until we leave Saturday night. But I'll be gone Saturday night until Monday morning. I'm going to pack my lunch bag with a ton of snacks and soda so I won't be tempted to buy at work. I hope I'm able to be really good!

  3. Jerry Says:

    You did a great job keeping under budget, and I'm glad that you have a designated "fund" for your unspent allotment. Disney can always lead to a great external motivation! Smile I agree that having a set amount does offer some insurance that you track each dollar you spend. Good luck with the birthday and making it through the week on your packed lunches and drinks! You can do it...

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